HC installation using command line in Silent Mode

Question: HC installation using command line in Silent Mode
Hositng Controller allows you to install HC7 from Command Line in Silent Mode. This article describes the process.

Download your respective HC7 installer from this
page and run HC7 setup from command line in Silent mode. Here are some parmeter details:

Parameters Details

 Name:  --installtype
 Values: db, sub
 Default Value: db
 Desc: This parameter describes the type of server on which the installation is being done.

- Its value is set to "db" if the server is first installation of cluster.
- Its value is set to "sub" if the installation is being done on subsequent server.
 Name:  --dbtype
 Values: msde,mssql
 Default Value: msde
 Desc: This parameter describes the type of database server on which Hostingcontroller creates its database. This parameter is used only when --installtype=db.

 Name:  --deldb
 Values: 0.1
 Default Value: 0
 Desc: This parameter is used to specify deletion action to take, if the database configuration given in installer detect an existing database already created.

 Name:  --server
 Values: <Database server name or IP>
 Default Value: (local)
 Desc: This parameter specifies the IP or Name of the database server, on which HC7 database is created.

 Name:  --ip
 Values: <Database server IP>
 Default Value:
 Desc: This parameter specifies the IP of the database server. This is required for remote communications.

 Name:  --hcdb
 Values: <HC7 database name>
 Default Value: HC7
 Desc: This parameter specifies the HC7 database name.

 Name:  --user
 Values: <Database admin user>
 Default Value: sa
 Desc: This parameter specifies the admin user e.g. "sa", that is used to connect to database server for HC7 database creation.

 Name:  --pswd
 Values: <Database admin password>
 Default Value: sa
 Desc: This parameter specifies the admin user password, that is used to connect to database server for HC7 database creation.

 Name:  --hcdbuser
 Values: <HC7 database admin user>
 Default Value: hc7dbadmin
 Desc: This parameter specifies the HC7 database administrator user, that is used to connect to HC7 database by panel and HC services.

 Name:  --hcdbpswd
 Values: <HC7 database admin password>
 Default Value: hc7dbadmin
 Desc: This parameter specifies the HC7 database administrator user password, that is used to connect to HC7 database by panel and HC services.

Name:  --hostuser
Values: <host admin user>
Default Value: hostadmin
Desc: This parameter specifies the admin user of HC7 control panel  e.g. "hcadmin" or "hostadmin", This user is owner of the hosting server.

 Name:  -s
 Values: No Value
 Default Value: No default value.
 Desc: This parameter specifies that the installer is to be run in silent mode. This is a required parameter.

 Name:  -f2
 Values: <setup Installation log file>
 Default Value: setup.log
 Desc: This parameter specifies the path of the log file, if the silent installation steps need to be logged.

Example Usage:

1. For Database Server

 HC7.exe  -a  --installtype=db  --dbtype=msde  --deldb=1  -s  -f2"setup.log"

 HC7.exe  -a  --installtype=db  --dbtype=mssql --server=JOHN --ip= --user=sa --pswd=sa --hostuser=hostadmin --deldb=1 -s

2. For Subsequent Server

HC7.exe  -a  --installtype=db  --dbtype=mssql --server=JOHN --ip= --user=sa --pswd=sa --hcdb=hc7dbadmin --deldb=1 -s

 Note:  If you are using HC7 setup without MSDE then use "HC7.exe" otherwise use "HC7-MSDE.exe" setup file.