ExSign Configurations for Outlook Add-in

Question: How to configure Outlook Add-in in M365

In the ExSign web portal, go to organizations and download the Outlook add-in. This downloads a “manifest.xml” file. The primary function of this file is to populate the Outlook client with an ExSign add-in. The add-in is responsible for fetching signatures from the central ExSign web portal and updating them in Outlook.
Once the “manifest.xml” file has been downloaded, it must be added to the Microsoft 365 organization. To do so, go to admin.microsoft.com and upload the manifest file under Settings >> Integrated apps >> Add-ins >> Deploy Add-in.

Chose the download path to upload the manifest.xml file

Select the option "specified users/groups" and insert the group name. ExSign will stamp signatures only on the members of this group.

Once the Add-in has been added it takes up to 12 hours to reflect the signature in the user outlook (PC) /OWA /mobile outlook client.