This article includes instructions that help to configure ExSign 365 Agent to connect with Exchange Online (M365).
Steps required for connecting the ExSign M365 Agent and ExSign M365 Sent Items with Microsoft 365: The following are the steps to connect from ExSign 365 Agent and and ExSign M365 Sent Items machine to M365:
- Log in to the Azure Portal from the URL: and then click on Microsoft Entra ID, as shown in the below screenshot.
- Register application in Azure Portal by navigating to the path: App registrations >> New registation as shown below:
- Under "Supported account types", select “Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Microsoft Entra ID tenant - Multitenant).
- After clicking on the Register button, the below screen will be shown:
Then, in front of “Client credentials”, click on "Add a certificate or secret" and then add a secret.
- Now under Certificares & secrets, click on "New client secret".
After clicking on "New client secret", a dialog box titled "Add a client secret", will appear as shown below. Specify the values for the description and expiry of the secret, and then click on Add button which will add the "client secret" with its expiry.
Record the secret's value for use in your client application code. This secret value is never displayed again after you leave this page.
Then under "App Registration", navigate to “API permissions” and select "Add a permission".
Then, from: Microsoft APIs >> Commonly used Microsoft APIs section, click Microsoft Graph as shown below.
- After it, click on "Application permissions".
- And then add these three API permissions.
- User.Read.All
- Domain.Read.All
- Group.Read.All
To set API Permissions for
"User.Read.All", specify "
User.Read.All" in the search filter as shown below.
To set API Permissions for "
Group.Read.All", specify "
Group.Read.All" in the search filter as shown below.
To set API Permissions for
"Domain.Read.All", specify
"Domain.Read.All" in the search filter as shown below.
Now select “Grant admin consent for Trycatch”.
Grant admin consent confirmation selects “Yes”.
For ExSign M365 Sent Items:
Give the following Permission.
Navigate to API Permission and select the “API My Organization uses”.
Then Select “Application Permissions”.
After that, grant the 'full_access_as_app' permission.
Give Grant admin consent for Trycatch.
The following API permissions should be granted:
- User.Read.All
- Domain.Read.All
- Group.Read.All
- full_access_as_app
Then Navigate to
Organization >
Manage Organization >
Provide the required details in the
M365 Configurations for ExSign Agent 365. Once completed, the "M365 Connectivity" will be successfully established.
Navigate to
Organization >
Manage Organization >
Enter the required details in the
M365 Sent Items Configurations for ExSign Sent Items 365. Once completed, the "M365 Connectivity" will be successfully established.