Resolving ADUser Attribute Syncing Issue: Exception "The specified directory service attribute or value does not exist"

Issue: Attributes are not syncing for specific users on the Target OU. In Exception logs, the following logs could be seen:

 Origin: SyncService
 Exception Source: ADManager
 Action Performed: UpdateObjectProfile
 Message: The specified directory service attribute or value does not exist.

Reason: Extension Attributes are available in Active Directory only if there is an Exchange Deployment within the AD environment. Therefore, if any AD User has Extension Attributes specified in the Source AD, and the same user is synced to the Target AD (which lacks an Exchange Deployment), those attributes will not sync to the Target AD User in the Target DC.

Resolution: The issue arises because extensionAttribute01 through extensionAttribute15 are not part of the Target Active Directory schema unless Microsoft Exchange is installed. To resolve this issue, disable the attributes related to Exchange in the ADSync Plus tool's mappings section.

Steps for Resolution:
  1. Login to ADSync Plus Portal as a Global Administrator.
  2. Navigate to the Menu:
    Mappings >> Edit Mapping
  3. Disable the ExtensionAttributes from the mappings as shown below.

For any further queries regarding these instructions, please contact support at