This article provides step-by-step instructions specifically for configuring the SMTP Server in the ExSign Agent desktop application for 365. Open ExSign Agent for M365, and click on "SMTP Config" button which will open a dialog box as shown below:

SMTP Configuration Details : Details of SMTP Configurations are explained below:

  • Definition: EHLO (Extended HELO) is a command sent by an email client when it first connects to an email server. FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) is the complete domain name for a specific computer or host on the internet.
  • Configuration: See desired configurations as under:
  1. If the ExSign Agent 365 and ExSign Portal are on the same machine, use localhost
  2. If the ExSign Agent 365 and ExSign Portal are on two different machines, use the FQDN name of the ExSign Agent machine. ( Note: Kindly make sure that port 25 is being telnet on the resolvable hostname of ExSign Agent machine )

Server IP
  • Definition: The Server IP is the IP address of the SMTP server that the ExSign Agent 365 will connect to for sending emails.
  • Configuration: Enter the server IP address of ExSign 365 Agent machine.
Server Port
  • Definition: The Server Port is the port used for the SMTP connection.
  • Configuration: Use port 25, which is the standard port for SMTP.
Certificate Password
  • Definition: The Certificate Password is the password used to authenticate the certificate for secure communication.
  • Configuration: Enter the certificate password. The password will be displayed as asterisks (****) for security purposes. (Note: ExSign Certificate Password can be fetched from Config folder under ExSign Agent Installation path : C:\Program Files\ExSign M365 Agent\Configs\Config.xml)
NAT White List IP
  • Definition: NAT (Network Address Translation) is a method used by routers to translate a public IP address into a private IP address and vice versa. A white list IP is an IP address that is granted access to the server.
  • Configuration: Enter the IP addresses of Agent Machine upon which port 25 is opened for both inbound and outbound rules.

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Note: ExSign is a trademark product of Hosting Controller Inc.