Question: ExSign Application Sent Item Update Configurations?
Answer: The Sent Item Updates tool is a desktop application that is used for stamping emails residing in the SentItems folder of a mailbox.
To configure the Sent Item Update settings, firstly it requires setting up Application Impersonation in the Exchange Servers. The whole process and why it is needed for Sent Item Updates application is explained below.
Why is Impersonation Needed?
In Microsoft Exchange, Application Impersonation is commonly used by programs such as email apps, backup tools, or other services that require access to users' mailboxes for performing certain operations on behalf of those mailbox users.
How to set up Application Impersonation?
Setting up Application Impersonation in Microsoft Exchange servers involves several steps. These steps allow specific applications or services to act on behalf of User Accounts. Here's how you can set up Application Impersonation:
- Access Exchange Admin Center (EAC): Log in to the Exchange Admin Center using your admin credentials.
- Create a New Role Group:
- Navigate to "Permissions" from the left-hand menu.
- Click on the "Admin Roles" tab.
- Click on the "+" icon to create a new role group.
- Role Group Settings:
- Provide a name for the new role group (e.g., "Application Impersonation Group").
- Choose the "ApplicationImpersonation" role from the list of roles. To find a user, use the Search feature to find it.
- Add Members:
- Click on "Add" to add members to the Application Impersonation role group.
- Select the user accounts that represent the Applications or Services requiring the impersonation rights.
- Once you've added the necessary member, save the changes to the role group.
Note: To configure the Sent Item Update settings, the same user account will be used in ExSign Sent Item Update tools' (desktop app) configurations.
Next, go to the "Servers" section.
Click on "Virtual Directories." In the third line, locate "EWS" and double-click on it.
The EWS URL must be accessible via HTTPS where the sent items are installed.
Copy the URL and open the
ExSign Sent Item Utility. Paste the URL into the
EWS URL section, then click
Connect Setting and
Save Setting. Your sent item configuration will now be connected.