Unable to create mail domain in Smarter Mail Server

Question: Unable to create mail domain in Smarter Mail Server?

 Make sure about following steps:
  1. Smarter Mail Services are running.
  2. Smarter Mail Server is not in demo mode because it allows only one mail domain in demo mode.
  3. If mail domain already existed in the Mail Server then HC will return error.
  4. Smarter Mail is properly configured with HC. Check following Smarter Mail settings in HC at this path (Go to HCadmin :: Cluster Configuration :: Manage Servers :: My Servers :: Edit Server :: Mail Server). 

         Port = Smarter Mail Default Port (9998)
         URL = http://[domain]:[port]
         Default admin user = Provide Smarter Mail admin user 
         Password = Provide Smarter Mail admin password    
Note: If you have configured Smarter Mail Site in the IIS to use port 80 then make sure WebMail URL is working if you access http://IPAddress (IPAddress = Same IP which you  have given in HC Mail Server Configuration )