Question: How To enable Remote Power Shell for HC in Exchange 2010/2013/2016/2019 ?Answer: As per Microsoft's recommendation Hosting Controller will communicate with Exchange 2010/2013/2016/2019 using Remote Power Shell. To start using HC with Exchange Server you would have to enable PS Remoting on Exchange CAS server (for 2013) and MBX server (for 2016) using the following steps:
Note: userName = replace it with actual user name i.e Administrator
If the above cmd shows RemotePowerShellEnabled as False then execute the below command.
b) set-user Administrator -RemotePowerShellEnabled $True
c) If the account that is used to connect Exchange Server in the HC Panel is not domain administrator then make sure to add it in a member of this role "Organization Management”
4. Winrm ports 5985 , 5986 and 443 must open in firewall for connections over HTTP and HTTPS
5. If HC10 Portal is installed on Windows Server 2019 operating system, then one must run the HC Provisioning Service under local Administrator account as shown in the screenshot below. To perform this change, follow the steps mentioned below :
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