How to start work in HCnix

Question: How to start work in HCnix ?

For this please follow the steps given below:

1.  Enable 3rd party installed tools in HCnix like DNS, FTP, Mail Server, Scripting etc. Login as host and goto Server Manager :: Global Setting (Enable only those ones which are installed )

Then Add Server in the cluster, which usually we do with installation, but if it is not then you can do it from Server Manager :: Add Server

 2.  Configure path of different applications in HCnix such as Website root folder, DNS, Mail, Databases from Server Manager :: Edit Server

3.  Update User Profile from My Server :: General Profile    

4.  Create Reseller through User Manager :: Add User in HCnix which can then create Websites/Webadmins.

5.  Login in HCnix as Resellers and create package plan which they will offer to their end users from Hosting Plan :: Add Plan.

6.  Create website at the Reseller level at this location WebSite :: Add WebSite.

7.  All website related applications are located in menu TOOL.

Note: If you have purchased HCnix license then activate key. For evaluation a 30 days fully functional trial is also provided

Login in HCnix panel as host and go to My Server :: Activate License.