How to enable & configure Cold Fusion in HC?

Question: How to enable & configure Cold Fusion in HC?
To enable ColdFusion, follow these steps:

  1. Install ColdFusion.
  2. Login in HC panel as a host.
  3. Go to Cluster Configuration :: Cluster Settings. Enable Cold Fusion under the Windows tab. 
  4. Navigate to the location Cluster Configuration :: Manage Servers :: Edit Server :: Webserver. Fill in the credentials for ColdFusion admin login and other details. For detailed help of ColdFusion configuration with HC, click Show/Hide Quick Help link given at the bottom of this page.
  5. Make sure that ColdFusion extensions are mapped on hosting controller website. For this go to
         *  Start :: Programs :: Macromedia ColdFusion MX :: Web Server Configuration
    In the Web Server Properties area, select IIS and specify the website (Hosting Controller) 
    and enable ColdFusion. If ColdFusion is enable by default on all IIS then remove it from same section.

  6. Local host should be working in the web server properly. Verify this by running this link in the explorer http://localhost or

  7. These steps will enable user to install ColdFusion on any website from Website Services :: Scripting Manager provided that the Quota for ColdFusion is available in the Hosting Plan.