How to customize Icewarp webmail link which is used in HC panel?

Question: How to customize Icewarp webmail link which is used in HC panel?
If the Web Server and mail role exist on the same machine then HC will create Icewarp virtual directory under the domain in the IIS, which can be accessed from the following URL:

But If Icewarp and web server are on separate machines then set the mail access URL in the HC panel setting like

Follow the below steps to configure the above customize URL:

    1.    Change the default Icewarp Mail Control Port from 32000 to 80 and from 32001 to the 443 (SSL).

    2.    Open Icewarp Administration Console and go to System:: Services.

     3.    Double-click the Control service and change the ports.


    4.    Click the OK button. Now you can access your Icewarp Mail WebAdmin by



            and WebMail by:

    Note: You have to have an IP address with free port 80 to do that.
     For more details, you can consult Icewarp 
Support team.