How can I point DNS to my own server?

Question: How can I point DNS to my own server?


HC9 Control Panel:  

You can achieve this by following the steps given below: 

  1. Install DNS Server on your machine. 
  2. Go to Domain Registrar and enter two IPs of your DNS Server machine there for your NS records against your business domain. 
  3. Login as host in HC panel. 
  4. Go to the location Cluster Configuration :: Manage Servers :: Cluster Settings . Here, enable DNS role. 
  5. Finally, go to Cluster Configuration :: Manage Servers :: My Servers :: Edit Server :: DNS Server and put in the values of NS records which you have already set in step#2. 

    Now whenever you will add websites then those will correctly point to your DNS server and would resolve without any issue.

HC10 Control Panel:  

You can achieve this by following the steps given below: 

  1. Install DNS Server on your machine. 
  2. Go to Domain Registrar and enter two IPs of your DNS Server machine there for your NS records against your business domain. 
  3. Login as host in HC panel. 
  4. Go to the location Configurations :: Server Manager :: Cluster Settings . Here, enable DNS role. 
  5. Finally, go to : Configurations ::Server Manager :: Servers :: DNS Server :: Edit and put in the values of NS records which you have already set in step#2. 
    Now whenever you will add websites then those will correctly point to your DNS server and would resolve without any issue.