Question: How to customize HC Panel theme?
*Its applies to HC9 Panel only
HC themes can be easily customized with the help of this document. You can add custom headers and footers to make look and feel of panel to your website.
Every HC Theme has following structure:
-ThemeName (CoolTab)
-ThemeColor (Yellow)
"Themes" is the main folder which acts like a container for all product themes. If you need to add new theme for the product you have to place it under Themes folder.
Let suppose your new theme name is "NewTheme" under the folder "NewTheme", now, you have to create three sub folders:
- ThemeColor Folder (Blue/Green/Red/XYZ)
- Images
All the images for the new theme are to be placed in the Images folder.
- Styles.css
CSS file to handle look and feel of all the screens of the product.
- MenuStyles.css
CSS file to handle the main Menu of the product.
2. JsScripts
All the JavaScript to handle dynamic menu or interface related scripts are placed under this folder.
- Templates
- All main building blocks in form of XSLT Templates of the Theme are placed under Templates folder.
i. DefaultTemplate.xsl
The interface HTML for Login page is written in this template.
ii. MainTemplate.xsl
The main Frameset are written in this template.
iii. HeadTemplate.xsl
The Header of the product is written in this template.
iv. MenuTemplate.xsl
Template for product main menu.
v. ContentsTemplate.xsl
The main landing page after login is written in this template.
vi. IconsListingTemplate.xsl
This template is responsible to handle the look and feel of icons listing pages in the product like Tools section.
vii. FormTemplate.xsl
The HTML for all the forms running throughout the system written in the template like AddUser/AddWebsite/AddMailDomain etc.
viii. ListingTemplate.xsl
The HTML for all the listing pages running throughout the system written in the template like ListUser/ListWebsites/ListMailDomains/ListPlans etc.
ix. BrowsingTemplate.xsl
HTML for the entire server browsing facility is written in this template.
x. ExceptionsTemplate.xsl
A Parking page to handle Global Exception or Hack Attempt.
xi. Includes.xsl
Helper XSLT template.