How to install and configure HC Marketplace

Question: How to install and configure HC Marketplace ?
HC Marketplace can be configured by following the steps below:

There are some pre-requisites for installing HC Marketplace on a website. Before being able to use it, these pre-requisites should be met. View them below:

  • SQL Server 2008 or above to host Marketplace backend database.
  • .NET Frameworks 4.5 (on the web server where the site exists).
  • IIS7 or above to store Marketplace website (on the web server where the site exists).
  • The Marketplace host should be a valid Hosting Controller control panel user. It could be a control panel host or reseller. 
Download Folder
A host (admin) can download the and extract it in a valid folder in its website. The zip file can be extracted at the root of the website or in a virtual directory.

Once the folder has been extracted the Marketplace host (admin) needs to configure it. The configuration page can be accessed through the URL of the site on which the Marketplace has been installed. This admin access URL for the configurations page can be something like

Marketplace Admin User Details
These are the credentials to the Marketplace host (admin). The admin user can configure various settings for the Marketplace and administer it according to its needs. Once the Marketplace is installed, the admin can login to the administration interface with these credentials.
  • Username: The username of the admin.
  • Password: The password for the admin.
  • Confirm Password: Confirm the password.
  • Email: Email of the admin.
HC Control Panel Details
These are the credentials for the Hosting Controller control panel user launching the Marketplace. The control panel user can be a host or a reseller.
  • HC API URL: The same API URL used by HC for the control server. Insert address http://localhost:8798 if Marketplace and HC Portal are on the same machine. However if Marketplace is on a different machine/location then provide a URL that is accessible from current server.
  • Username: The username of the HC host or reseller launching the Marketplace. 
  • Password: The password for the user.
  • Check Connectivity: Verify connectivity to the HC API.
SQL Connectivity Details
These are the credentials to the database user creating the Marketplace database. The user should have sufficient privileges to create a database in SQL Server and create other users.
  • Database Instance: Name of the SQL instance.
  • Username: The username of the database user. This user should already exist prior to installing Marketplace.
  • Password: The password for the database user.
  • Database: Name of the database. This should be an already existing blank database.
  • Check Connectivity: Verify connectivity to the SQL Server. The installation will not go through if the user is unable to establish a valid connection.
Creation Summary
After the Marketplace has been installed successfully, a creation summary giving the host (admin) credentials and access (URL) will be displayed.