How to create IP base domain in HC panel?

Question: When I try to create an IP-based website, I get an error "You do not have the required resource quota."

This error appears when IP Based Domain option is selected while creating the website but the chosen plan does not allow the creation of IP Based website.

First enable IP base/dedicated IP base website creation in HC panel by logging as Host admin. Go to menu Server Manager :: Global Setting. Choose web Server Tab."

Secondly make sure that the plan under which website is being created allows IP based website creation. A plan allows IP based website creation when IP Based Domain's resource value is greater than equal to "1".

To make a plan that allows IP based website creation, follow the steps below:

  1. Login into HC as Reseller. Click Hosting Plans form Hosting Manager menu.
  2. Click My Plans and select the desired plan or create new one and click on Edit Plan button.
  3. Find IP Based Domains field and uncheck Excluded and set value in Quantity edit box.
  4. The value 1 means that this plan, when sold, allows creation of ONE IP based website.
  5. Click Update Plan button to save settings.