Customizing Text or HTML on the HC10 Control Panel Login Page:

Disclaimers and warnings on login pages serve an essential purpose in informing users about important terms, conditions, or potential risks associated with accessing the system. By customizing the disclaimer or warning text on the HC10 Control Panel login page, administrators can effectively communicate important messages to users, promoting transparency and enhancing the user experience.

To personalize the disclaimer or warning text displayed on the HC10 Control Panel login page, follow these steps:
Navigate to: HC Control Panel > HC Control Panel (Windows) > Portal UI.

 1. Locate the 'app.config' file within the installation directory of the HC10 Control Panel, typically found at this path: C:\Program Files\Hosting Controller\Portal\app.config.
 2. In the 'app.config' file, search for the HTML tag named '<disclaimer>'.
 3. Modify the HTML tag by adding your custom text within square brackets, like so: CDATA[write your text here].
 4. Save the changes made to the 'app.config' file.

Upon completion, your customized text will be displayed on the HC10 Control Panel login page.

 For any further assistance or inquiries, please reach out to