What is Log Rotation and how does it work in HC panel?

Question: What is Log Rotation and how does it work in HC panel?


The logs generated for websites are stored in domain.com/log folder of any website. HC control panel can rotate website logs to conserve disk space. Login as Reseller in HC panel and then navigate to Panel Configuration :: Configure Services :: Configure Log Rotation menu in order to enable log rotations for your websites on the server. Given below are the terms which would help you to understand the working of Log Rotation module in HC panel.

Log Rotation Condition : Log rotation can base on any of the three conditions i.e Size, Days, and File Count.

  1. Size : Select Size if you wish to rotate logs when log file reaches a specific size limit.
  2. Days : Select Days if you wish to rotate logs after specific days.
  3. File Count: Select File Count if you wish to rotate all logs leaving n number of latest log files.

Action Type : Actions that can be taken on the log files could be Zip Only, Zip and Email, and Delete.

  1. Zip Only : This option zips log files and places the zip archive in /logs folder. The actual log files are deleted.
  2. Zip and Email : This option zips log files and emails to website owner on the email address stored in personal profile. The actual log files are deleted.
  3. Delete : This option simply removes log files.